3e Forum PRIMA – Vision à l’horizon 2035 : les matériaux avancés pour procéder

Sep 12, 2024

Holiday Inn & Suites
1390, René-Lévesque Ouest
Montréal, QC, H3G 0E3


PRIMA Québec organise son 3e Forum le 12 septembre prochain, à l’hôtel Holiday Inn & Suites de Montréal, avec, en toile de fond, la décarbonation. Le coup d’envoi sera donné par notre invitée d’honneur, la récipiendaire du Prix Nobel de physique 2018, Dr Donna Strickland.

Différents panels et présentations seront offerts ainsi qu’une séance de réseautage B2B.

Le dévoilement de la Feuille de route matériaux avancés/procédés 2035 clôturera le Forum.


Programme préliminaire


Conférence LANE 2024

From Sep 15 to Sep 19 2024


Madison Rilling

Until January 28, 2024, researchers and developers from science and industry, who gained interesting results in the field of photonic technologies, especially in laser material processing, are welcome to submit an abstract for the 13th CIRP Conference on Photonic Technologies [LANE 2024] (September 15-19, 2024). The conference will be held in Fuerth, Germany, and the organizers cordially invite all members of Optonique to participate in the conference.

A general discount of 10 % is offered on the conference fees for Optonique members.

Learn more here!


Optica MedTech Industry Summit

From Oct 08 to Oct 09 2024

Université Laval - Pavillon Alexandre Vachon
1050, Rue Saint-Denis
Montréal, QC, H2X 3J4

Édith Ducharme

Optonique will co-organize the Optica Med-Tech Industry Summit 2024, which focuses on bridging the gap between industrial innovation in photonics-enabled medical devices and market realization, targeting companies at the development stage between prototyping and clinical trials. Attendees will gain unparalleled access to the stakeholders that they need for the future developments, spanning healthcare practitioners, regulatory experts, insurance companies, technology transfer specialists, and investors keen on driving the next wave of medical breakthroughs.

Register here today!

Optonique members get a 25% discount on their registration fees with the promo code 2024Optonique_25OFF.
